Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Women's Day - The backbone and The Creator

This week it feels like I've fallen into a big hole.
A big rock has been tied to my heart, to be sunk into the darkest, endless pit.

I'm tired, I'm restless. The happy skin that I wore everyday has worn out. This unstable mood swing, swings too much. I cried without a reason, I'm upset without a clue.

Then this came,
I've tried to hold my tears, and grinned from ear to ear. This small wish has patched up the hole and cut the rope that has tied my heart to the rock.

الحمدلله, ya الله. You're giving me a big thing, in a form of human, that can love me even I'm not good enough. I've forgotten how big is your love towards your slaves, and I'm being ungrateful, استغفر الله. 

I hate where the time I forgot about You. It feels empty. The presence of him, make me always remember of You, it's a present from You. A beautiful love, a mesmerizing support and endless reminder of You,  الله ❤ 

Lots of love,

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